Get that JOB

For the month of September, I will start my very first blog series called, “Get that Job”. This series is specifically designed to help women or anyone who has been struggling with finding their dream job in the past year after completing their degree/diploma. This series will cover 5 topics and each topic will have simple tips and advice that you can easily follow so that you can find your dream job and be a #Boss-Lady. The 5 topics that will be covered are:

  1. Importance of good grades
  2. How to compile a great CV that will get you recognized
  3. Career portals
  4. How to be successful in an interview
  5. Slay @ work

I hope that after each of these topics, you will be able to take the required action that will get you closer to finding your dream job.

#GirlBoss – stay tuned to this series that will open up new opportunities for you.


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